Silvano D’Orsi

Born in the province of Caserta in 1953, he has worked and lived in Perugia since the seventies. An eclectic and curious experimenter, his art is characterized by continuous variation. He is a potter, sculptor and painter. One day he is painting mannequins, inspired by De Chirico, and the next he is painting huge colorful moons. The object of his paintings and his technique are ever-changing. His work is in the Catalogue of Modern Art edited by Giorgio Mondadori (Milan), under AC: Alto interesse critico (High interest of critique). He is part of the Arcani Movement with which his work is exhibited in Italy and in the US. In November 2012 his paintings, a statement of the negative effects of capitalism are exhibited in the UN Gallery in an exhibition dedicated to human rights.

One of his paintings is on permanent show at the Giuseppe Sciortino museum in Monreale (Palermo), whilst another is kept in the Lviv National Museum, Ukraine. He creates bronze sculptures and acrylic or oil paintings. Since 2013 he makes mosaics on canvas inspired by his small paintings on board. Some of the most recent subjects of his work are of a religious nature: The face of Christ and Madonnas with baby Jesus.



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